
For the transport abroad we use reliable transport company GEIS which offers the best price and service.


Large stock of products which can be sent immediately.

Eco friendly

Applying ecological oils. For packaging we are also using reused carton boxes.


We offer interesting conditions and prices for the wholesale partners.

Pastel pads

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Canson sketch book A4 (50 papers, 120 g)

Canson sketch book A4 (50 papers, 120 g)

Bright white light weight cartridge paper. Ideal for contrasts.

5.00 €
Canson Imagine (200g/m2)

Canson Imagine (200g/m2)

Mix media cartridge,bright white silky surface. 50 papers.

8.45 €
Koh-i-noor PASTEL Mix 245 x 345 mm

Koh-i-noor PASTEL Mix 245 x 345 mm

Suitable for pastel work. 20 white sheets, paper weight 220 gsm.

10.24 €
Koh-i-noor PASTEL White pad 245X345 mm

Koh-i-noor PASTEL White pad 245X345 mm

Suitable for pastel work. 20 white sheets, paper weight 220 gsm.

12.60 €